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Part 1: Indian views on Britain and Empire, 1810-1915, from the British Library, London

The first part of this project makes available a collection of rare volumes, mainly printed in India, describing the experiences of Indians who travelled to Britain, France and America between 1810 and 1915.  There is much on:

  • The Indian experience of Empire - good and bad;
  • Perceptions of poverty in London;
  • Comments on the way in which varying ethnic groups are treated;
  • Wonder at the lights of London;
  • Life at the universities;
  • Medical training;
  • Detalied descriptions of manufacturing industries and ship-building;
  • Reactions to the immorality of the British Stage;
  • Surprise at the role of women in Britain;
  • Comparisons between London and Paris.

This is a wonderful source for students who can usefully compare these volumes with those of Britons travelling to India in Colonial Discourses.

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